Senior Warden’s Report


Your Vestry started 2023 with a Vestry Retreat in January. At the retreat we train the new Vestry class on the ins and outs of the vestry meetings and committees. The learning, fellowship, and relationships that come out of the retreat really start the year off well. We review plans and goals that were made the year before and set new ones for the year ahead. 

A committee was formed as Suzanne retired and we started the search for the next Associate Rector. We had some big shoes to fill and found an excellent fit in Sara Milford. Sara hit the ground running and has done amazing work!

A few months after Sara arrived, Evan went on sabbatical. The Vestry worked with Sara just as we work with Evan to continue the good work of the church and to take care of the people. I was glad that we were able to get Sara on board to give Evan that time to recharge. Evan returned and the building was still standing, I’d say that’s a win!

One of the goals we set for the properties committee came with a motto, “Leak Free in 2023!” As you all know, our roofs have been in need of repair for the last several years, as seen from the past leaks around the campus. While we are not “out of the woods” as far as the entire campus is concerned, we are in a much better place. I applaud the properties committee, specifically Julie Chambers, for the work they put in to make that happen!

In August, Jeannie Whayne, Susan Mayes, Allen Carney, Lora Walsh, Evan, Sara, and I traveled to Little Rock for a special election to elect the next bishop of the Diocese of Arkansas. The Diocese elected John Harmon from Washington D.C. as the 14th bishop of Arkansas. This was a historic occasion, and it was an honor to be part of it. 

In 2022 and 2023, the Vestry worked with Evan to improve our relationship and our communication. We had meetings outside of our normal vestry meetings to work on topics such as the vestry health and function, communication style, and cultural shift. These meetings helped us to strengthen the partnership between the Vestry and the Rector. 

At our Bassett Building property, we had several HVAC units quit working, major elevator repairs, and unexpected repairs that were upwards of $70,000 and the budget line was $50,000. I am happy to say, with the hard work of the finance committee, vestry, and our treasurer Dave McMath, that we ended the year in a really good place financially. 

It was an honor to serve the church I love for the past three years on the Vestry and as Senior Warden in 2023. I am excited to know where St. Paul’s is and the plans that we have for the future!


Rector’s Report


Treasurer’s Report